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Video Sermons

Inspirational messages from God's Word by Bishop Alexis A. Thomas. Video MP4 format.
Displaying products 121 - 150 of 209 results
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I Love Jesus, but Can't Stand the Church Pt 3 Video
Donation: $7.00
I Love Jesus, but Can't Stand the Church Pt 3 Video
1/30/19 VIDEO MP4 - Bible study by Pastor Terry Mackey "I Love Jesus, but Can't Stand the Church" Part 3.
Managing Life's Transitions Video
Donation: $7.00
Managing Life's Transitions Video
1/20/19 VIDEO MP4 - Inspirational message by Pastor Terry Mackey, "Managing Life's Transitions" based on Job 1:20.
I Love Jesus, but Can't Stand the Church Pt 2 Video
Donation: $7.00
I Love Jesus, but Can't Stand the Church Pt 2 Video
1/16/19 VIDEO MP4 - Bible study by Pastor Terry Mackey "I Love Jesus, but Can't Stand the Church" Part 2.
Not Distressed, Found Success Video
Donation: $7.00
Not Distressed, Found Success Video
1/13/19 VIDEO MP4 - Inspirational message by Pastor Terry Mackey, "I'm No Longer Distressed Because I've Found Success" based on Joshua 1:8.
I Love Jesus, but Can't Stand the Church Pt 1 Video
Donation: $7.00
I Love Jesus, but Can't Stand the Church Pt 1 Video
1/9/19 VIDEO MP4 - Bible study by Pastor Terry Mackey "I Love Jesus, but Can't Stand the Church" Part 1.
Higher Heights, Deeper Depths Video
Donation: $7.00
Higher Heights, Deeper Depths Video
1/6/19 VIDEO MP4 - Inspirational message by Pastor Terry Mackey, "Higher Heights, Deeper Depths" based on Psalm 1:1-3. If you want a blessed life, you need to be deeply rooted in God's Word. Feed your Spirit Man a healthy diet of God's Word.
What's In A Name Video
Donation: $7.00
What's In A Name Video
12/30/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message "What's In A Name?" based on Genesis 41:50 by Pastor Terry Mackey. It doesn't matter how you received your name or title; what matters most is how you use what God had given you.
Prenatal Praise Video
Donation: $7.00
Prenatal Praise Video
12/23/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message "Prenatal Praise" based on Luke 1:37 by Pastor Terry Mackey. If God is able to encourage Mary, the mother of Jesus, then imagine what He can do for you. It's time to leap and give God some prenatal praise!
A Pilgrim's Rest Video
Donation: $7.00
A Pilgrim's Rest Video
12/16/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message "A Pilgrim's Rest" based on Matthew 2 by Pastor Terry Mackey. If you can find rest nowhere else, try Pilgrim Rest. As you go through life, you will need a place of healing, restoration. and rejuvenation.
The Cost of Following Jesus 120918 Video
Donation: $7.00
The Cost of Following Jesus 120918 Video
12/9/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message "The Cost of Following Jesus" based on Luke 9:57-62 by Rev. James Davis. Many want to follow Jesus, but are you willing to change and sacrifice your comfort to become an effective disciple of Jesus?
Do Not Quit Now 120218 Video
Donation: $7.00
Do Not Quit Now 120218 Video
12/2/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message "Don't Quit Now: Keep On Running" based on Hebrews 12 by Rev. Elton Ford. You have a race that you have to run; a specific race that God wants you to run, not for the swift, but for the ones who endure.
It is Worth the Wait 112518 Video
Donation: $7.00
It is Worth the Wait 112518 Video
11/25/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message "It's Worth the Wait" based on John 11 by Guest Speaker. Stay ready so whatever God releases, you can receive it. Three points: Timing (ongoing readiness), Position (be in place) and Response (reaction).
Producing Power Through Pressure 111818 Video
Donation: $7.00
Producing Power Through Pressure 111818 Video
11/18/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message "Producing Power Through Pressure" based on Matthew 7:24-29 by Rev. James Davis. In the midst of your pressure and trials, God is building you a stronger foundation for power and authority to be released.
Bible Study 111418 Video
Donation: $7.00
Bible Study 111418 Video
Sermon_111118 Video
Donation: $7.00
Sermon_111118 Video
11/11/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message based on Romans 8 by Min. Eddie Little. You need to have the Word inside you to walk in the Spirit (not in the flesh), so that when you speak, it activates the deliverance and God can move on your behalf.
Bible Study 110718 Video
Donation: $7.00
Bible Study 110718 Video
Broken But Usable 110418 Video
Donation: $7.00
Broken But Usable 110418 Video
11/4/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message "I'm Broken, But Usable" based on Acts 27:1-44 by Rev. Elton Ford. Don't allow your faith to falter. Though you may be lost, through the Grace of God, you are still here and His Grace will lead you home.
Do Not Give Up On God 102118 Video
Donation: $7.00
Do Not Give Up On God 102118 Video
10/21/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message "Don't Give Up On God" based on Romans 4 by Rev. Elton Ford. No matter what you face in life, God is still in control. We need to raise our level of expectation because God will do what He says.
Sermon 101418 Video
Donation: $7.00
Sermon 101418 Video
10/14/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message based on Numbers 21 by Min. Darryl Phenix. The enemy tries to influence by separating you from God, but don't let his distractions keep you from fulfilling God's purpose in your life.
Bible Study 101018 Video
Donation: $7.00
Bible Study 101018 Video
Are You the One or the Other One 100718 Video
Donation: $7.00
Are You the One or the Other One 100718 Video
10/7/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message "Are You the One or the Other One" based on Luke 17:11-19 by Rev. James Davis. Will you be the one to say thank you to God or the other? Give God thanks even in bad times. Be thankful for lessons learned.
Bible Study 100318 Video
Donation: $7.00
Bible Study 100318 Video
Life Transitions 093018 Video
Donation: $7.00
Life Transitions 093018 Video
9/30/18 VIDEO MP4 FORMAT - Inspirational message "Life's Transitions" based on Mark 3:21-30 by Min. Woodrow Reed. One of the most difficult things we face in life is transitions. Let go of the inner man to take hold of what is coming to be blessed.
Sermon 092318 Video
Donation: $7.00
Sermon 092318 Video
Bible Study 91218 Video
Donation: $7.00
Bible Study 91218 Video
Sermon 090918 Video
Donation: $7.00
Sermon 090918 Video
Bible Study 090518 Video
Donation: $7.00
Bible Study 090518 Video
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